That stays at Judas' ass!

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Este é um dos momentos mais épicos de sempre da vida deste blog! É hoje que eu vou explicar a origem do famoso dizer português: Isso fica no cu de Judas! - That stays at Judas' ass!

Já todos devem saber que esta expressão é utilizada quando um Português quer dizer que algo fica muito longe. Mas aposto que não sabem a origem deste dizer.

Na verdade, fiquei tão surpreendido com a origem, que aposto que vocês vão ficar boquiabertos quando lerem de onde é que isto veio!

Apesar de se pensar que este dizer se refere a um dos 12 apóstolos de Jesus, chamado Judas Iscariotes, e apesar de ser muito parecida com outro dizer Português com um significado semelhante que é, Onde Judas perdeu as botas - "Where Judas' lost his boots"; o Judas deste dizer é na verdade um lindo e elegante garanhão que fazia as moças suspirar. Era também um bom namoradeiro e amante. Um sonho de homem! Tanto, que até os homosexuais suspiravam e perdiam a cabeça por ele. O homem que vos falo viveu durante o século XIX, em Barcelos e chamava-se Alípio Judas.

Alípio Judas, no entanto era heterosexual e apesar de muitos homens o terem tentado, este nunca cedeu. Dada a dificuldade de o alcançar, o então advogado Doutor Júlio Almeida, que era gay não assumido e que tinha tentado ter um caso com Alípio Judas, respondeu de forma bem estranha a uma pergunta que lhe fizeram um dia:

- "Dr. Júlio, o acordo entre as partes já deverá estar perto de ser alcançado, não acha?"

Ao que ele respondeu.

- "Perto?!? Aí homem... Perto?!? Está... está tão longe como o cu de Judas!"

E foi a partir deste momento embaraçoso de Dr. Júlio, que quase o ia desmascarando, que esta expressão passou a ser utilizada para coisas que se encontravam longe.

E sabem que mais? O Cu de Judas, na verdade, é uma terra que fica nos Açores, mais propriamente na ilha de São Miguel. Está no mapa e tudo! 

Espero que tenham gostado e até à próxima!


This is one of the most epic moments of this blog! Today I'm going to explain the origin of this famous Portuguese Saying: That stays at Judas' ass! - "Isso fica no cu de Judas!"

You can say this when you are referring to something that is far, far away!

One would think that this saying refers to one of the disciples of Jesus Christ, Judas Iscariot, and one could also think that this saying was a derivative of another Portuguese saying, with a similar meaning that is Where Judas' lost his boots - "Onde Judas perdeu as botas". The Judas of this saying was in fact a very handsome guy that was the dream of the ladies of that time and the dream of the homosexuals too. His name was Alípio Judas and he lived in the XIX century in Barcelos.

Alípio Judas was heterosexual and he would never go to bed with another guy. Because it was impossible to a gay man have an affair with Alípio Judas, one day, the Attorney Dr. Júlio Almeida (who was gay and tried to have an affair with Alípio) answered weirdly a question in his office.

- "Dr. Júlio. You think the deal is close of being reached." 

Dr Júlio answered.

- "Close?!? You think it's close?!? It is as far as the Judas' ass!"

Thenceforth this sentence started to be used when somebody was referring to things that were far away.

And you know what? The Judas' ass is in fact a name of a land in Azores, more exactly in the island of São Miguel.

I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you! :)      

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5 Portuguese Sayings to say when you are pissed off!

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Life ain't easy for anyone, and sometimes life kicks and slaps you around like hell and human beings, need to verbalize their rantings and vent them through words. But sometimes we found yourselves saying the same stuff all the time when we are frustrated and I think that we all should learn more sentences to vent it out.
For example, I'm Portuguese and I find myself saying a lot of M rated words both in English and in Portuguese. So I thought that it should be usefull (and funny) to know some Portuguese Sayings that you should say when you are pissed!

Number 5 - I'm shitting myself for that!

It's kind of disgusting, but it's the Portuguese way of saying that you don't give a shit about something and I think you should say it, because when people hear this, they will get pretty well the idea that you really don't give a shit. 

Number 4 - You're done to the steak!

Because "You're done", is just not enough to express your will to beat the crap out of somebody. 
You can learn all about this saying in this post

Number 3 - Go to the broad bean!

You can say this to someone that you really want to go way. It's perfect if you are into vegetarian and vegan stuff.

Number 2 - I'm sprinkling myself for that!

This is another Portuguese Saying that you can use if you don't give a shit about something. It's more polite than saying "I don't give shit" and also... a bit more weird. 

Number 1 - Leave yourself of shits!

Because some people are so full of shit.

There are a lot more, but this is a good starter kit for you. I hope this new forms of verbalizing your ranting serves you well.

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